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Third Workshop of Hybrid Intelligent Systems at MICAI-2010

Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems try to deal with the complexity of real world phenomena, with a multidisciplinary approach and a plurality of techniques. The complex systems where they are applied cover biology, medicine, management, engineering, humanities... all characterized by the difficulty of modelling their usual problems by classical methods.

In this framework, this special session is aimed at discussing research on working with social interactions, by using agents or any artificial intelligence technique. Therefore, it will focus on social simulation and dynamic social network systems. It also covers the Hybrid Systems with the capability to hold a negotiation about a topic, demonstrate reputation using diverse models, together with argumentation procedures as a way for reaching agreements during the negotiation process.

Accepted Papers
Workshop Scheduling

Alberto Ochoa O. Zezzatti - Instituto de Ingeniería y Tecnología, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (chair).
Fernando M. Montes González – Universidad Veracruzana (co-chair).
Claudia Gómez Santillán - Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero (ITCM) (co-chair).
María Lucila Morales - Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero (ITCM) (co-chair).

Program Committee:
Halina Iztebegovic, Montenegro University
Irina Döring, Volgogrado University
Cristiano Castelfranchi, ISTC-CNR; Italy
Dagmar Zuraevic, Sarajevo University
Sylvié Ratté, ETS Montreal; Québec
Simonné Suarent, Technical Univesity of Mauritius
Taardemi Suaromi, Technical University of Oulu, Finland
Czongor Sziladzi, Pécs University, Hungary
Antonio Padméterakiris, Nicosia University, Cyprus
Aliya Tatkedhek, Kalmykya University, Russia Federation
Namri Löntsän, Oslo University, Norway

Session encouraged topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Social Networks in HAIS.
  • HIS for Argumentation and Negotiation.
  • Agent-Based Social Simulation, specially using Soft Computing Techniques.
  • Theoretical Approaches with Social Network Analysis (e.g. Studies on Blogosphere and Virtual Communities).
  • Applications on Virtual Social Networks (Web 2.0, P2P, Orkut, Myspace) .
  • Virtual and Intelligent Games based on Artificial Societies (like RPGs).
  • Social Data Mining.
  • Artificial Societies and Social Simulation.
  • Other application domains: Blogs, Cultural Aspects, Web Fan Clubes, Topic Communities, Opinion Dynamics, Diffusion Networks, Consumer Behavior.

Original contributions are sought in the area of the topics covered by this Workshop. All submissions will be refereed by experts on the field based in originality, significance, quality and clarity. Every submitted paper to this Workshop will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee.

Papers must be prepared according to the LNCS-LNAI style template (only MS-WORD format) (see: and the lenght should be no longer than 8 pages including figures and bibliography.
All papers of this Workshop will be published in the journal RCS ( ISSN) or a book with ISBN.

NOTICE: At least one author of each accepted paper must register in order for the paper to be included in the Proceedings.

Length of the Workshop:
8th of November , 8 Hours (1 Day).

Important Dates:

Proposal submission:                         August, 31
Notification of acceptance:               September, 15
Camera-ready manuscripts:               October, 10


Intelligent Computing Research Group